Nagyon hasznos tud lenni a Goodreads hírlevele, főleg az a fajta, amiben beszámolnak az általam olvasott szerzők ebben a hónapban megjelenő új könyveiről.:)
Na, szóval egy ilyen hírlevélben futottam bele ma reggel (most nagyon jó dolgom van, ugyanis VÉGE a vizsgaidőszakomnak, és az első évemnek) , és szembesültem egy megjelenéssel, ami értem kiált!
Ismeritek Stephanie Plumot? Ha nem, akkor sürgősen ismerkedjetek meg vele, ha igen, akkor pedig figyelő szemetek ide vessétek:
Janet Evanocivh: Heist
Ilyen címmel engem egyből be lehet húzni, az egyik legnagyobb gyengém a heist műfaj (rablós-átverős). Evanovich meg a másik.
Egy kis fülszöveget? Valaki?
"FBI Special Agent Kate O’Hare is known for her fierce dedication and discipline on the job, chasing down the world’s most wanted criminals and putting them behind bars. Her boss thinks she is tenacious and ambitious; her friends think she is tough, stubborn, and maybe even a bit obsessed. And while Kate has made quite a name for herself for the past five years, the only name she’s cared about is Nicolas Fox—an international crook she wants in more ways than one.
Audacious, handsome, and dangerously charming, Nicolas Fox is a natural con man, notorious for running elaborate scams on very high-profile people. At first he did it for the money. Now he does it for the thrill. He knows that the FBI has been hot on his trail—particularly Kate O’Hare, who has been watching his every move. For Nick, there’s no greater rush than being pursued by a beautiful woman . . . even one who aims to lock him up. But just when it seems that Nicolas Fox has been captured for good, he pulls off his greatest con of all: he convinces the FBI to offer him a job, working side by side with Special Agent Kate O’Hare."
Audacious, handsome, and dangerously charming, Nicolas Fox is a natural con man, notorious for running elaborate scams on very high-profile people. At first he did it for the money. Now he does it for the thrill. He knows that the FBI has been hot on his trail—particularly Kate O’Hare, who has been watching his every move. For Nick, there’s no greater rush than being pursued by a beautiful woman . . . even one who aims to lock him up. But just when it seems that Nicolas Fox has been captured for good, he pulls off his greatest con of all: he convinces the FBI to offer him a job, working side by side with Special Agent Kate O’Hare."
Kicsit emlékeztet a White Collar sztorijára, de amíg egy conman a főszereplő, addig én bármit hajlandó vagyok elolvasni. Szóval várjuk június 18-adikát!
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